Thank You Turks & Caicos

Hello everyone, Bob The Parrot here…Joey and I just returned from our trip to the Turks and Caicos Islands. We had never been there so we were very excited to go. We would also like to thank the good people of the Turks and Caicos for making our visit so special. We had the opportunity to spend the day on Grand Turk, this is the island where the crew ships dock. While on the island we visited the museum that has the artifacts from the Molasses Reef Wreck which took place way back in 1513, it was really neat and I would recommend it to anyone visiting the island. We also toured the salt house and learned about how importance of the production of salt was to the early island economy. We also want to that the staff from WIV Cable who are now carrying our 24 hour weather channel One Caribbean Television on channel 10. We met so many wonderful people and saw so many beautiful things on our visit that we can only say if you have never been to the Turks and Caicos Islands you must put it on your list, I know you will not be disappointed. Keep checking in, I will have details on Joey’s and my visit to the BVI in July soon.

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